Monday, November 14, 2005

What Has Come Before....

Or "Some Background is in Order"

Okay, so tomorrow, after nine years, I'm leaving my comfy job at CPI, and... Well, and nothing. I don't have a new job yet. So I'll be looking frantically.

It occurred to me sometime in past couple weeks, as friends and family emailed or IM'ed to say, "Hey, how's the job search going?" that I was spending a lot of time, answering the same question over and over. Time I could spend sending resumes, etc. But I can't fault people for caring.

So I jokingly thought to myself, "Gee, maybe I should start a blog*" But I was only half serious. Yet everytime I started answering an email or describing the same interview to someone I kept coming back to the same notion.

And as with any crazy/half-assed idea I have, I decided to bounce it off my incredibly practical wife. So after forgetting to mention it to her for days (I'll explain that phenomenon later, I'm sure), I mentioned it to her on Friday. Her immediate reply, "I think that would be an excellent idea."

"Really?" says I, less surprised by her answer than the speed with which it arrived. (Because, I gotta be honest here -- I was "between jobs" once before and well, my dear heart is as supportive as all get out, but at some point, when you come home, and JAM is still in his pajamas, playing Civ (again), and it's going on month two, and you're starting to wonder how long the money is going to last... well, yeah, right there with her. So I thought anything that would distract me from sitting at the computer for 8 hours a day sending out resumes -- except gods willing when I'm off on an interview -- would be considered a bad thing. How naive of me.)

"Yes," she says, no doubt wanting to leave it at that, but sensing I needed more, "if you have a forum where you're publishing every day or so, it's far more likely it will keep you on track. Because otherwise you're going to have to write, 'Slept really late. Watched Oprah. Didn't send out any resumes. Again.' [pointed glance]."

I'm sure I'll say this again in these pages, but I love my wife. She's smart.

So anyway, this then, is a chronicle of my job search from here on out (and maybe some stories about stuff that's happened already). And being me, we'll probably talk about some other stuff, too...

Thanks for coming along on the journey.

* = Because if Brian Madison can have one, anyone can have one.


Anonymous said...

Is the thing at the bottom some sort of filter to keep people (or 'bots) with "kissing tips" out of your comments?

Guh. Kissing tips. If that's not random words put together by a 'bot, that's the scariest thing I have ever heard of.

Welcome to the blogosphere. I'll visit every day.

Anonymous said...

Looks good, now go into your settings and turn on RSS feed.

Then I'll tell you what that means.

Anonymous said...

"* = Because if Brian Madison can have one, anyone can have one."

What, precisely, is that supposed to mean?

Do we at least get an extended review of the Batman Begins DVD?

JAM said...

Let's see if I can cover them all.

Yep, "sweat" blog it is.

Jado? Do I know you?

Thanks, Ray. Perhaps you'd best explain what it is, since I think I just turned on everything I could (and nothing was specifically marked RSS Feed.

Brian -- excuse me ULTIMATE Brian (any connection the Marvel comics Ultimate line? Is Bendis writing you these days) -- I merely meant that you never struck me as technologically... um, hip. (This isn't helping I know. I'm tired.)

Anonymous said...

Technologically, I guess I'm not ubercybertechno savvy....

And yes, you're the first person to get the Marvel reference.

Anonymous said...

So the day has finally come. I guess it's time to break out the Doom Bots and switch their settings to "kill". (GPS for "Mazur Household" already programmed.)

The plan commences. I shall have my revenge! Soon, Mr. Mazur, soon...

JAM said...

Brian, seriously?! That was the first thing I thought when I found your blog a couple months ago... "Man, he's going to be hearing from Marvel's attorneys..."

Review of Batman Begins (sorry, I was tired last night). It's good. Really good. I saw it three times in the theatre (and while that was not intentional -- Paul & I skipped out of work to see it opening day, first time I've ever done that; then JOB & I saw it with Eric & Em in MA while we were visiting in June; and finally I went to see with a bunch of people down here) I enjoyed it each time. Check it out now that it's on DVD...